There might be two main reasons why you can’t see Cinemachine in your C# script – missing Cinemachine package or missing assembly reference. In the following article you will find solution for both causes.
1. Missing Cinemachine package
At first, ensure that you have installed Cinemachine package in your unity project. Open Window -> Package Manager and choose Packages in project from the top menu. If you have not installed Cinamechine just switch to Unity Registry from the top menu, search for Cinemachine and install it.

2. Missing assembly reference
If you have an assembly definition file in your project ensure that you have linked com.unity.cinemachine assembly to it. In the following case I created a Main.afmdef file in on of the directory of my project. Try to locate the assembly definition file in your project going up from the directory contains the problematic script. Select the assembly definition file and add Assembly Definition Reference to the list as it is shown below.

That’s all what I’ve prepared for you in this tutorial, if I helped you, please consider sharing this post to help me gain a wider audience.
Thanks and I hope to see you in my next tutorial.